Cost of Engine Replacement

A list of actions we perform and parts that always need to be replaced during the replacement of a seized CRT CZV CZZ CVM engine

Koszt wymiany silnika CRT
The above list of parts and actions is what's called a mandatory or, in other words, minimum checklist. If, upon inspection, it turns out that any of the basic engine accessory components, which have a direct impact on its proper functioning (turbocharger, injectors, DPF), are faulty, their replacement or repair (if such repair is possible) will be necessary.

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Additionally, we offer:

Car Transport

We will pick up your car for repair from any location in Poland and Europe

Replacement Car

For the entire duration of your vehicle's repair, you can receive a replacement car

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VAG-EXPERT Consultant

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Street Kolonia 19

43-430 Skoczów

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